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Pinterest Organic Traffic Avalanche Strategy

In this article, I want to talk about some ideas about how I can use pinterest to get organic traffic avalanche and help promote my brick and mortar business a actually a brick and mortar consulting business.

And I was wondering if I supposed to start by:

Just posting pictures or should you start by making friends or gathering a network, What's most important what's the first way of doing this?

And how do you set up the categories? properly I'm really lost with Pinterest as with it with a few other the social media things?

The Pinterest it's actually a really great source of traffic and in fact for many of our sites it's the number one source of traffic avalanche it's above Google it's above facebook it's above Twitter.

How do you get started with Pinterest? the first thing of course you:

Step: Open an account.



Step: You're going to set up maybe five to ten boards.


That are related to your marketplace or that are things that your market would also be interested in so for example, if you were curating you said that you consult for small businesses brick-and-mortar.

So you would maybe make a board about merchandising even though that isn't something maybe that you directly consult about it would be interesting to small businesses with brick and mortar stores right.

So you're going to create a set of five to ten boards that are interesting to your marketplace even if all five or ten of them are not exactly what you are selling or what you advise about,

because you want to attract a following and you can't do that by only talking about yourself and your own interests and what you provide all the time no one wants to hear that.

So that's why we created a wider breadth of interesting boards as opposed to

a very narrow one then, you need to seed those boards with a bunch of content right.

again if somebody comes to your profile and it's only got a couple of boards and there's only a couple of pins in each of those boards why would they follow you.

They don't know what you're really about at that point and it doesn't look like there's a lot to offer at that point so you need to go through and find other pins on pinterest and repin them onto your own account.

We recommend and what we do for our pinterest clients?

- Add 10 to 20 pins / board before we begin the actual promotion of the account so seed all your boards with content before you get started.

- Next stage is going out and following interesting people on pinterest that are related to your niche.

now when you reap in content from people as you did to seed your boards you're going to see people coming to your profile checking it out.

- Maybe re pinning your stuff because they've been notified of your presence when you re pinned their pin they get a little notification this is out you know mark re pinned your pin and they'll come and check out your profile.

many of them will follow you at that point if you've done a good if you've

done a good job seeding your boards.

- You're going to next make a concentrated effort to find people in your niche that are posting on topics that are of interest to you and are of interest to your audience and follow them directly.

they too will get a notification that you have followed them oftentimes they will come and check out your stuff and they will come and follow you back and then begins the daily promotional process.

Pinterest is really nice because about 90% of the content is really just

re pinned from other people.

so you're not expected to come up with you know 20 new things to pin every single day to populate your account,

All you've got to do? is log in to pinterest and then re pinned in other people's content.

people like we said are going to get that notification they're going to come and check out your stuff they may or may not follow you back oftentimes they do.

But what they will do? many times is see what you've pinned recently and

re pinned it themselves and thus start spreading your content throughout the Pinterest ecosphere.

- The most important thing with Pinterest is volume.

that means that you're pinning quite a bit one pin a day isn't going to do it.

- Number two is consistency.

You've got to be doing this every single day, the good news is that it doesn't

take a lot of time out of your day the other good news is that.

Once you're on that daily process of pinning and re pinning every single day

of course you'll take some of those pins that you're making and have them linked back to your own products your own site but like Twitter like Facebook no one wants to only hear about you and your products over and over and over again.

What we recommend

If you're pinning say 20 pins a day maybe two of those linked back to you and the other 18 or just a cool stuff that you've found and then you just do that every day.

and what you'll find with Pinterest is that it'll kind of flat line for a little while

and then you'll get a spike as someone re pinning one of your pins and it maybe get three pinned a few times by some other people and you'll get a spike in activity and then.

I will die back down and get an old kind of flat line and then you'll see another spike and over time those spikes will come more and more often.

What's exceptionally interesting about Pinterest?

is that unlike Facebook and Twitter where your content kind of dies after a day on Twitter and maybe a couple days on Facebook nobody really ever sees it again.

On pinterest those things that you've pinned six months ago continue to get traffic avalanche continue to get reap ends, because as someone repin on their account now it looks fresh to their followers to their people that are looking at their pins right.

so unlike Twitter and Facebook where the assumption in people's minds is that oh that was old content that's not interesting pinterest doesn't have dates associated with it the way that those other sites do.

and the way that people's feeds popular with new pins makes your content appear on top people repin it and it just lives on and on and on and on and on and it's really incredible.

and it's the only source of traffic that I've seen that does that as your pins live on as you continue to pin every day it really does reach a point of critical mass

Where you know you've got the upward trend and it's almost a self-perpetuating machine those pins that are already existing out there just continue to generate more re pins for themselves which then generates more traffic avalanche for you so that's what we have found works best with Pinterest and I hope that that gets you started with your own strategy.

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