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Make Photos for Pinterest That Go Viral

We're gonna get started with the Pinterest tutorial I am going to talk about

How I create photos for Pinterest?

I know if your lure you might have photo shop you might undo it a different way but i'm just going to talk about how I do it and some of the tricks.

What I want to do? is to get away so every time we pin I do want to pin our featured photos that we have, because that's good but I also want to create another large photo and that's pinnable for each of the photos.

Of course for every article that we do we're going to pin the featured photo but it's really teeny tiny, and so we need it like a bigger tall like long photo as well.

I'll show you some examples, I've created a one of the boards.

So these are the ones, I'd like I'd love for you to kind of model when you create your own because, I think they're kind of neat and it will give you some ideas and so that just helps you see like how the style that I'm going for in our pins just very you know simple but clean and pretty with the photos and stuff.

How I created that one?

I used so there's a couple different ways so i've been using PicMonkey and I want to get every blog article that we have with a pin pinnable photo.


I'm going to make it like this.

So that we can get a lot more traffic from Pinterest but the right dimensions that I've learned our 735 X 1102 and let's see it

- Then I upload a photo I have for the featured photo.

And so you can do it multiple different ways like there's no right or wrong.

- You know some have writing over it some have like this white space and then the picture I love them both.

-look at the analytics and check out what is working and then we want to make more photos like that so obviously we've had some of the paths that have worked very well.

-And so you can check those out but so this will kind of tell you what our most pinned and top pin impressions so some of these quotes were the best activity.

-will look at that one okay we have one we want to create a whole lot of this article.

So this article 15 if I paid off 80,000 debt in 18 months has been pinned so much on pinterest and so has the 10 must read books forever young professional woman so we want to model out we want to get all of our articles similar to that.

And you'll see I mean the photo is just very simple it's just one word and so we could play around some stuff like that to see you know if people just want that one word

And then this one for all of our book posts this would be awesome to do the same sort of thing.

because people loved this.

So just checking and seeing analytics people loved this one too

the vision board that was a popular one

That got a lot of pins and so does this one still gets a ton of pins to this

13 best-kept cover letter secrets as well as it was one more too

So look at those and see how the pins are doing to because we just want to model that.

I'm going to put let's see here texts when you put text over I have been using i'm not picky on font it just it has to look good.

I'm actually what to change it to I've 5 ways to find your calling

- Do a white font hard to read though so I really like the white font over it so here's.

- I want to take this image and I want to make it I want to darken it,

so that I can put a white text on it so don't worry it's not going to look like this I'm going to fade it a little bit so I faded the image so now when I go back and I put this text on.

- And so we save it.


Step: We will Pin it.


we're going to add that upload choose photo and then we'll pin it so

- I need that article photo.

- You're going to paste in some text for the description.

- You can share our keywords in the art in there and find a board job search board would be good.

okay so you're not done yet because you we haven't put in where that they can actually find the website isn't there yet so we want to make sure that we go back and copy the website link and paste it in

I always test it too because I always want to make sure that link is working because that would be a bummer if they went and wanted to go read that article no link wasn't there okay so I'm going to click on it make sure it goes. which I'm sure well.

come back again for the more articles

useful, and don't miss it.


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