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4 Steps To Make Money With Adsense!

I'm going to give you a really simple 5-step strategy for building really basic

little sites that make autopilot income every month through Adsense and i'll be showing you one of my actual adsense websites so that you can see firsthand how it's.

done now this is probably going to be one of the most newbie friendly guides that i've done to date and whilst these little adsense sites don't generally make

as much as bigger sites they are so easy to build that they're perfect for anyone that's new to making money online.

And it's not yet looking to make thousands and thousands of dollars every month but that wants to make their first 100$ hundred dollars a month their first 200$ two hundred dollars a month their first 300$ three hundred dollars

a month that type of thing so anyway let's get to it.

Here is my four-step strategy.

Step: Find a kick-ass niche.


Basically you just want to find a kick-ass niche or topic to make a site about

and to do this we just need to use the Google keyword planner tool.

Which is, just a free tool that Google provides that allows us to see how many times any word or phrase get searched for in Google each month?

so to access the tool just head over to and then sign in or create an account if you haven't already got one.

Then once you're logged in you want to head over to tools and analysis and

then you want to click on keyword planner then once you're in the keyword planner you can just type in whatever your niche idea.

and also make sure that you're targeting all countries and not just one country because we want to see how many times our niche gets searched all around the world.

Once we've done that we just click on get ideas and then keyword ideas and it's here that we can see how many times that niche gets searched for in Google each month.

You can see I've just search for a random net that I just thought of the top of my head which is (bonsai trees) and I can see that it gets searched 9900 times each month so maybe (bonsai trees) could be a niche now.

What you want to do is just play around with all sorts of different ideas putting them into the Google keyword planner tool there could be about anything there could be about sport or cooking or whatever try to think outside the box and come up with some great niche ideas.

You want to keep searching for different niches until you find one that matches three different criteria.


1- We want our niche to be getting a decent amount of searches.

Try to find a niche with at least a thousand searches and no more than say 3000 searches.

For example, if I have a niche idea which is (netball drills) then I can type that in and I can see it gets 6600 searches in Google each month which is a pretty good sign.

Furthermore you also want to look for a niche that has a lot of related

keywords that will be able to target down the track so you can see below this section a whole lot of other related keywords.

Now if there's a lot of different keywords here that are getting searched for that's a great sign because we'll want to target these as well on our site.

Now these keywords don't have to be getting as many searches as your main keyword they could just be getting a hundred or two hundred but it's important that there are a good amount of related keywords for us to target.

With my (netball drills) example I can see that:

(net ball drills for kids) gets 880 searches a month.

(net ball drills for beginners) gets 320 searches a month.

and there's a whole bunch of other keywords here too that I can target

so this is also a really good sign and so far netball drills is looking pretty good.

2- Want to look for related ads in our niche.

When we search for words in Google appearing a related ads pop up in the ads section and this is because these are generally the same ads that will turn up on your site so if they're good and targeted lots of people are going to click on them and they're going to be worth quite a bit per click.

For example, if I was to search for Jennifer Aniston photos I can see there's no ads here about Jennifer Aniston photos so even though it might be easy for me to setup a site about Jennifer Aniston photos and to rank for it and to get traffic to that site the ads that will show up.

When I put adsense on my site aren't likely to be very targeted at all and furthermore even when someone did click on my adsense ads on a site like that it's unlikely it would be worth more than a few cents a click.

However if I was to search for netball drills in Google I can see that there are actually ads about netball drills showing up.

Now this again is a really good sign that net ball drills would be a great niche because these sort of ads will be likely to show up on my side and you could imagine that if someone came to my site about netball drills so they're looking for netball drills and they saw this ad here there's a high chance that they're going to click on it.

3- We want to look for is a niche that has as little competition in the search engines as possible.

So do a search in Google for your niche and take a look at the competition

that's on that page I'll bet pages after pages after pages of high authority sites targeting your exact niche with thousands of fans on Facebook and slick looking websites.

Or other just a few really crappy low-quality sites on there may be some Pinterest accounts or Facebook account showing up or even better other sites that don't even have your keyword in their titles and descriptions.

so they're not even really going after your niche they just happen to be ranking for it if it's the latter then that's a very good sign the fewer sites there are on that first page targeting your exact niche the better.

Also check out how many results are turning up if there's only one or two million or even better less than a million results then that's a pretty good sign but if there's hundreds of millions of results that's not such a good sign.

And if you search for a lot of different niche ideas eventually you will come across one where you're like hey a lot of these sites on the first page aren't

even targeting my keyword and those are the niches you want to look for.

So if I go back to my net ball drills example and then search for that in Google

I can see that

It has less than 1 million results which is really not a lot but on top of that a lot of these sites are really low quality outdated sites that you can tell don't really know what they're doing so they're probably going to be quite easy to beat even better is the fact that.

They have this Pinterest account turning up on page one that's not a high authority site that's trying to rank for netball drills deliberately it's just that this niche is so low in competition that some random person's Pinterest account that happen to have some netball drills on it managed to rank on page one for it he'll some of these sites don't even have the actual words netball drills in the titles all of these add up to very low competition.

Furthermore if I look at the related keywords for netball drills in the Google Keyword planner tool and look at the competition for those keywords the competition is low.

If I search for netball drills for kids not one of them except for this site right here is actually including the words netball drills for kids in their title so in terms of competition netball drills is a great niche and it actually matches all three criteria.

So really take your time and play around with a lot of different ideas and niches until you really find a good niche that matches all three of these criteria.

- You want a niche that gets a decent number of searches.

- You want one where good ads are showing up in Google when you search for that in Google.

- You want a niche with low competition.


Step: Setup a site.


Then once you have found your perfect niche you can move on to the next step

1- Setup a site about your chosen niche now I've already got a article where

2- Start making posts from your wordpress blog that targets your keywords.

so remember the related keywords from the Google keyword planner that I said would need later well we need them now so go back to the keyword planner tool and write down a list of all of these related keywords.

Then once you've got your list is time to make your first post so pick one of these keywords to make your first post about in this case I'm going to choose netball drills for kids then you want to write at least 500 words of unique content about that subject.

And when I say unique content I mean content you wrote yourself and not just some shit you've copied and pasted of another site Google will look and they can tell if you copy and paste your content from other places and if you do it that way they're not going to rank you well in the search engines.

Sure you can search for other articles about that topic to get information and inspiration but rewrite your articles don't just copy and paste them.

You want to add a nice big image to that post thats related to your content you can find copyright free images that you can use over at


finally you'll see a section below your post area if you've installed the WordPress SEO by Yoast plug-in like I mentioned before where you'll be able to customize the way that that post will look in Google so make sure that you write a kick-ass title that's not only eye catching but that also includes your keywords in them.

my finished result I now have my main site which is targeting my main keyword netball drills which gets thousand six hundred searches a month and i also have a post targeting the keyword netball drills for kids which gets 720 searches a month.

and over time you want to actually work your way right through list and add a post about as many of the related keywords as you can the more posts you add the more keywords your site will be targeting the more stuff.

You'll rank for the more traffic.

You'll get and the more money you make.


Step: Add Adsense Ads.


Add adsense ads to your site so now that we've got our first post up our

site is looking good it's time to add some adsense ads to our site so just log into your google adsense account which i'm assuming you already have one if you don't you can sign up over at and then you just want to add a few ads to your site I usually just add a couple to my sidebar and then one in each post.

don't freak out too much about the best possible place to add them as long as they're nice and prominent then that's good you can always tweak it and play around with it later to try to improve the number of clicks you're getting now.


Step: Promote your Site on the Social Networks.


is promote your site on the social networks so now that our site is all set up its targeting good keywords it's got the ads there the only thing we need

to do is to get it to rank in Google. and as you'll know if you've read my other article like how to rank in Google

Then the way that we do this is by getting other sites to link two hours because Google looks at this and says hey this site must be popular of other sites are linking to them and the easiest way to get high quality links from high-value sites is by promoting your site on the social networks I've been preaching about this for a while because it really does work so build up a tumblr account for your site and promote your site on there and build links on there.

Basically create an account on every social network that you can build it up and post links to your site obviously you can also build up links on other sites to like forums and whatever but the point is with these little Adsense sites as long as they're targeting a really low competition niche you usually only need a few decent links from social networks to get your site to rank as I'm about to prove to you now.


So here's a real life example of one of these little Adsense sites that I set up that actually does target netball drills now as you can see this is a simple wordpress site that I've installed a theme on and I've posted out six posts so far that each target a netball drills related keyword so

-My home page is targeting netball drills

-This post is targeting netball fitness drills

-This post is targeting netball defense drills

-This post is targeting netball coaching drills

-This post is targeting netball passing drills

-This post is targeting netball drills for kids

-And this post is targeting netball training drills

Now this site took me such little time to set up and to write this content like I said it only has six pages furthermore I haven't updated this site in over a year but nevertheless this site makes me over a hundred bucks a month every month on autopilot through Adsense.

Last month for example, this tiny little site made me exactly one hundred and ten dollars and eight cents in Australian dollars through Adsense which makes it not a bad little earner for a site that only took me a day or two to set up and the reason this site is making money is quite simply because this niche is so low in competition.

For example, for the main keyword which is netball drills I'm ranking on the first page of Google and many of these other sites aren't even targeting netball drills I'm also ranking for a lot of these related keywords that I've targeted on these pages.

But what's probably most impressive is how few links I've actually built to this site to get it to rank and to get it to make autopilot income through Adsense.

In fact I have literally only built links from six different sites and they're all social networks they are


and that's literally it there's no magic tricks going on here just that but because there's such low competition keywords and because I built high quality links it works and if I really wanted to i could build this thing way up as well and get it making a lot more money there are tons more netball related keywords that i could target i could build even more links and improve the rankings even more as well too.

using the exact Four-step strategy that I've just laid out for you and that's really all there is to it this is a fantastic way especially for newbies to start making your first few hundred dollars a month online or if you put in enough time and effort your first few thousand dollars a month online.

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