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Make Money Online With FREE Wix Websites

How you make money online with the free Wix website platform?

3 simple ways to make money with Wix website platform

this is just one of those extremely simple ways to make a 100$ a day online when I discovered it I knew I had to share it with you.

Go to Wix platform website, now before we jump in just want to give a quick piece of very important information,

Wix is best used as a supporting website or a supporting income stream so what I mean by this is you don't want to base your entire business off of a free website platform reason why is?

Because if you do that you give up your control and it has this happened many times in the past if they decide for whatever reason to shut you down, you're going to lose your entire business.

so that's why I recommend for your main business your main money website you use a self hosted WordPress blog and a professional web hosting plan this gives you full control.

Wix is great to use as a supporting website to boost your main business up in the search engine rankings and also a great way to build your list and earn additional income so that ads will have the way let's jump right on it.


.First step: Sign up

click the start now button on the screen look at that and then we're going to click sign up now.

Here's the first important step:

is you have to create an email address that has your root keyword in it alright so in this example I'm going to use the I circled niches for people have:

Dark under-eye circles.

like you see here have these dark bags from sleeping like 12 hours a day we're going to make a website about that so whatever your niches it could be

(Fitness it could be Money (Saving Money Investing Money)

it could be Relationship advice it could be Beauty)

Whatever the niche that you're interested in you're going to register an email address and you're going to register that on WIX so let's just do

So you would have to go to Yahoo and create the email address the reason why you want the keyword in your email address is because

Wix actually builds your the sub domain with this email address

Going to click from here - help so I'm just going to do beauty and wellness and let's do the Wix Adi editor this is better for mobile friendly so that's why I'm using this example, here the Wix Adi editor.

Here just type in the name of your blog ideally you're going to have your keyword in there so if you're your niche is body building you're going to have word bodybuilding in the title of your site.

Here it's going to create the basics for your site

now we're going to get to editing so we're going to do is just go through this really quickly to show you a basic overview of how it works?


.Step 2: Change the cover

let's change the cover here to make it look more related to what we talked about so this is right now showing like a wet plant let's change this to eyes so this is about I circled over your niches.

Go to free from Wix and you're gonna type in whenever your keyword is.

if there's those eyes you're going to like eyes if yours is mine's about eye circles do that woman here see how that looks.

Another site you use is called let's see what's over there all.

From here we're going to just get rid of some of the header stuff we don't need all that so let's


.Third things: Hide the menu

hide the menu we don't need that.

hide the number real name.

hide social if you have the social media profiles already built like save a YouTube channel on your niche you can show that or if your Facebook page you can show that.

From here we're going to start editing the post so let me just save this real quick.

.Fourth Step: Published

I just published.

You'll notice here secure eyecirclesnow that's why in the previous stuff about registering that yahoo email that's why I told you to do that so that you can get your keyword in your Wix domain name otherwise you won't be able to do it so that's why we did that.


.Fiftieth Step: Adding Content

that we have the basics for the website so now we're going to be adding content to the site which we can use to get search engine traffic and we can use our content to boost up our YouTube videos our main web sites and also most importantly to build an email list all right.

Add content so go to manage blog from this page here is easy default pages you can either delete these or just modify them accordingly I'm actually just going to start from scratch.

Make a Title

Title is very important what I do is I usually include the keywords I'm trying to rank for.

The way to add a good content you can use textbroker you can also use sites like , all these are great for getting decent writers.

here who pasted it in there and need some work you can do or format that it's a bullet point we're not going to worry about that right now just the sake of getting this.

going the tags are in do I circle dark eye bags a couple goes in there there we go all right.

Add an image to these different wigs here

There is a piece of content let's clean the stuff a little bit all right so I just posted the content added the image from here.


.Sixth things: Advanced SEO

you're going to hit advanced SEO at the bottom it looks like it might be cut off

a little bit hit that and I just like to remove the dates here just.

because it kind of dates the content and it also just adds a little bit length to the URL so I'd like to just delete that and keep it the title only


.Last things: Publish Post

So now when it's saved and then we're gonna do publish post all right so let's check out the posts.

Congratulation now you have your amazing web site.

Now let's talk about the ways to monetize your website

We're talking $100 a day just by selling a few products when done correctly.

Method Affiliate Promotion


is to do an affiliate promotion so this is something on big loan this is one of main ways to make money so I found a product here it's called Revitol Eye Cream and what I can do is actually.

Write a piece of content about this product and any time I sell it I get a commission so right now this is the affiliate campaign or affiliate site which I can sell this product for through and I can make $40 per sale as an affiliate for every one of these little kits that I sell.

alright so go back to your site and we're going to add a product review let's do that real quick all right so what's name this just very simply Revitol Eye Cream review now I'm just doing very basics here there are some subtleties that make a lot of the difference or MIT really make this effective.

there's the title for the post I've already created a premade article I just I've just copied and pasted my pre-made review.

Add the image for the Revitol skin tag thing up your image the skin cream there's the basic product review.

going to add some affiliate links in here so whenever sudden anyone clicks these links I get a commission.

and adds a cart and by out I get that $40 commission and that means only have to sell three products per day to make $100 more than a hundred dollars per day.

so it's actually very easy to do so three things all you need is about two to three hundred visitors per day on your site

all right so if you get two or three hundred visitors ideally you can convert one to two percent if you do things correctly and we're talking three to four sales easy just with this method right so that's

method number one being affiliate and reviewing products and getting traffic to your review pages.


Method Embed your YouTube videos


actually you use this to boost up YouTube videos so let's say you have a youtube channel just something I always recommend.

let's go to YouTube and we're going to type in and we're just going to grab a video to embed it on my site

again this would ideally be your video, embedded this on the site

we're just to say make that a link address link to YouTube and so this link on the page says it's related to the video this link will boost up your YouTube videos to get them to rank higher in the search and Google, and it will also get your video more views which in turn increases the rank of the YouTube video itself.

so we're going to update this you'll see how it all works together preview and here's this post we have the video in there the person can view the video from your site and this will who slowly but surely boost up the rankings up your individual YouTube videos so that's method number two method.


Method Building an E-mail list


this is one of my favorite ways is to start building an email list from your Wix website

I circles one thing I know about this is it's what senses Beauty oriented there's a bunch of stuff that I can sell people besides for eye creams, I can sell things like anti wrinkling, I can sell things like moisturizers anything related that I think what people would be related interested in this niche I can sell that to them from my site by creating an email list.

How you do that? alright just click the little site drop down or note a little bit condense your sub hit go to editor and click go to editor and it's going to actually bring up the older editor.

it's okay we just need to actually use this to embed a short little piece of code on to the Wix platform we're just going click Add and then go down to the bottom videos a little bit cut off right underneath this store video is a more it's more thing and then we're going hit HTML code box.

drag it down to where we want it to show up on the site so it's a little bit messed up right now, ideally the best place to put this with me right but it's paying the butt to move links on video live so I've just moved it for this example,

down to the bottom right and embed my opt-in form right here so where's those enter code hit that hit website address and then go over to your Auto responder or whatever that may be Aweber get response whatever it is and you're going to embed that code into this video by the way.

I'm just embedding my Auto responder code in this page so I've added that and it needs to be adjusted a little bit let's do that and there we go publish done.


-Method number one affiliate offers

-Method number two embed your YouTube videos to increase the

ranking get links to your YouTube videos.

-Method number three embedding your opt-in form on your website which is right here looks like it got a little bit cut off I just need to do some small adjustments so whenever anyone enters our email address where

I can do is market them additional products

I can send them back to my website

I can send them to this page also to earn even more affiliate commissions.

alright so those are the three ways to do it now.

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useful, and don't miss it.



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