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How to use Google Alerts in affiliate marketing (Easy Step by Step Method)

This is a really easy method to start making some money online and the best thing is that you don't need a website you don't need a brand you don't really need anything to start with this method and you can do it as a complete beginner.

How to make $100 per day with Google Alerts?

this method combines both affiliate marketing and Google Alerts and blogging.

Step: Find a good Affiliate Program.


If you don't know what affiliate marketing is?

it's to sell other people's product and then you get a commission for that maybe 50% 70% and somewhat up to 90% you can get on some of these products but Clickbank is one of the most popular platforms you can promote to other people and we can go into the fluid marketplace to check what they have.

They have a lot of different categories and even if you open them you can get even more but the most prominent ones:

(self-help, health, fitness, e-business and e-marketing that's usually).

Where you'll find the best affiliate products to promote to anyone?

Diets and weight loss is a huge market, when you're using Clickbank it's always a good idea to sort by gravity because that is an indicator of how well this course converts and sells.

and one other thing we have to look at when we do affiliate marketing

is the average sale and also the average rebuild total .


Step: Go to Google.


Go to Google and we type the dashes and then we're going to weight loss plus blog.

We gonna find weight loss blogs so we can find best weight loss blogs of 2017.

I've already gone through all of these and I found Yum Yucky.

What's the website that I found best to use this particular affiliate product because she had an article about.

Here healthy low carb breakfast ideas so we can go in here and we can take

a look I hope you're hungry here are a few of my favorite low carb breakfast options that I enjoy on the days that I'm not doing intermittent fasting sure

I still enjoy my traditional big breakfasts but I try to limit those high carbon breakfasts to special occasions.

only that sounds fantastic but What we're really interested in is?

if this has any comments.

Because is it if it has some comments that's perfect and that means that a lot of people are interacting with this blog and reading her blog on.

Maybe a daily basis you see in November 21st and November 22nd right here January 1st January a lot of weight loss in January as it is always with this new years of resolution.

You can find people are looking for help they're looking to find recipes on weight loss and stuff like that.

So I actually wrote a little comment that we can use to sell this affiliate program so I found her name all the way up.

And I think is a little bit more personal if you use their name to get a little bit personal we're not gonna spam this link that's very important to remember.

So hey I'm Josie so I added that in my comment.

Oh my god Josie this looks so good I'm dying to try the eggs on the go so I'm referring to what he's saying in the article.

If you have an affiliate offer always try to engage in the conversation engage

in whatever their content is about.

And find something maybe constructive to say about the article or maybe something you really liked about the article to start off in a really friendly


We're not gonna sell really hard right here we're just trying to get the reader's attention and make them click the link because after they click

the link it's the job of the sales page to convert them in to sales.

We only need the clicks we don't really need to pre-sell them on anything we only need that click.

however I read some of the healthy foods you're eating every day are making your fat cells sick and making it impossible to lose weight what do you think about this.

And then you can post your link and you get your link you have to make an account before you can do this it's really simple just go up and make an account.

if you cannot make a Clickbank account I know that some of these affiliate networks are cutting down on low tier two countries or three countries because they're using this link to spam all over the web and making it a really bad place.

And really Clickbank doesn't want anyone to spam all these links all over town

so that's why.

but we have our link but this looks a little bit sketchy would you ever click this link I don't think I would click that link.

So we're going to copy this I'm going to go into bitly and then we can shorten our link, we go a little nice little link and then we can paste it into

our comment.

again you're trying not to be spammy you're trying to leave a positive impact on this comment section and not be really salesy if you're spamming this link you're doing it wrong you need to help people out but you also need to make them click.


Step: Now you might be asking what does this have to do with Google Alerts

3 What's up.

Well Google Alerts has this really nice feature, Where you can actually create an alert if a page on Google is indexed by a specific keyword.

If we write "Kim Kardashian" you'll get every single alert when she's mentioned in news you get every single alert when she's mentioned anywhere

on the internet and your alerts.

Now write weight loss and you can create a lot of alerts like this:

How to lose weight? so you get on alert if there's anything about how to lose weight.

Create alert even do low carb because that's so trendy write now and when anyone creates a page about low carb weight loss how to lose weight you'll get notified by your email and then you can look at the article.

and see is this a nice post can I post my comment write here make a specialized comment for that comment section and get them to buy the affiliate link and Google Alerts is very crucial to this method.

Because it will show you completely new blog posts that you can post your comment in and usually whenever a blog posts goes up a lot of viewers will

go on to that blog post and look in the comments interact in the comments

and that's your chance to get to the top of the comments and get your comment more views and get more clicks in that way.

So I hope you all get this method it's really simple Google Alerts affiliate marketing and blogging and commenting on blogs it's what it's all about.

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