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4 Easy Steps to Make Money on Pinterest.

I'm going to share with you how you can make a killing off pinterest so you can get lots of backlinks traffic and sales to all of your profitable content step by step.

These 4 simple steps that anybody can do and you'll be well on your way to making a considerable amount of bank by exploiting the massive opportunity that's up for grabs at

Step: Sign up an account at Pinterest.


is ridiculously easy to complete this step all you need to do is sign up an account at Pinterest so it's simple as google searching for Pinterest or going to directly clicking on the link.

And if it's your first time accessing pinterest then it's going to give you a

sign up or login option you want to click on the sign up fill in all the necessary information and you should be good to go in a matter of minutes once you've completed step number one and set up your Pinterest account with your profile.


Step: Pin some cool stuff that is related to your niche.


you don't actually have to do too much work on your end for this all you really need to do is find cool content that already exists on pinterest and then simply repin it.

The way we do that is we look up a keyword related to the niche that we're involved in for an example,

I'm into make money online niche so I'm simply going to look up make money online in the Pinterest search engine.

- Then I'm going to look at pins or I can look at pinners.

And find a pinner that has a good amount of followers, you see the first couple results here have over 1500 and there are also other options with a reasonable amount of followers.

you want to find somebody that's got a pretty good following that probably

has really good content.

- You look at their name and then if you go to the pins that they've pinned.

And try and find pins that you think would be interesting to the niche audience that you're targeting.

If I look at this guy's account I see some pretty cool stuff here I want to find the best of the best that I think would be attractive to people that would look at my profile and then I want to re-pin it.

This graphic here inside the minds of digital marketing leaders looks like something that might be interesting to somebody that's involved in my niche.

- All I simply want to do is click the pin it button.

And then I want to if this is my first time on pinterest set up with my account I want to create a new board thats related to my niche either.

keep the description the way it is or rewrite it to one that sounds more interesting or entirely up to you whether you want to rewrite it or leave it the same.

And then simply just repress the pin it button you want to do this about 10 at least 10 to 15 interesting pins that you can find on pinterest that are related to the niche that you choose.

And then when you go to your profile your account you'll see you have under your pins option you'll see this pin that I just pinned is now added to my account.

And it looks really cool and I dad to do barely any work for it all I needed to do is press a couple buttons if you want to do this 10 to 15 times at least.

but there is no limit so you can do more than that and you see in this count right. complete step number 2.


Step: Build a Pinterest Following.


Now this step does take a little bit longer than the previous two steps but it is just as easy to implement all you need to do is press some buttons similar to step number two.

You want to take a search in your niche so again make money online and then you want to again find somebody who has a decent amount of followers in your niche.

so I'm going to go back again to this guy with over 1500 followers and then once you're in this guy's account here you want to take a look at the people that are following him.

So if you understand the logic here we have a pinner that is involved in our niche with people that are following him and involved in this niche.

so it logically makes sense that if these people are following him it's because they're interested in our niche so in this case we see that the niches make money online and these people are following this guy who's in this niche.

Therefore if we follow these people and they follow us back we will have real people that are interested in the make money online niche that we'll start following us reciprocally.

The whole process is simply just going through and clicking as many follow buttons as you can.

The one limitation with the strategy is that Pinterest actually imposes a limit on the amount of people that you can follow per hour.

So after you followed 300 people Pinterest is going to give you a little bit of a message to say hey slow down there partner you're going too fast come back in such and such amount of time.

This isn't really that big of a deal it just means that you can only do this in 300 people bursts and then come back whenever you have time on your computer and do it over again until you've built up as big of a following as you want to build.

So really what ends up happening after you've done this for a little while and again it's a little bit more time consuming but it's really ridiculously easy to do eventually a good number these people that you're following are going to follow you back.

And I'll show you if you take a look here

I've spent a very small amount of time doing this so far and I followed 1,100 people and that really didn't take too much time to do is spread over a couple days.

because again pinterest imposes a little bit of a limit but as you'll see here 234 people follow me back that I followed and these followers all came from people that were just reciprocally following me back after I had followed them and I've even got messages from a couple of them with this guy.

For example, that says hey like nice to know we have similar interests cheers so these are real people that are actually going to follow you back and real people that are involved in the niche that you're targeting.

So this is going to be really powerful by the time I followed say 10,000 people over twenty percent have followed me back.

So if I followed 10,000 people that means that i should have around 2,000 people following me back on pinterest related to my niche and by that time,

I'll have a reasonable enough following that I can actually make some pretty good backlinks traffic and sales which is going to be.


Step: Pin your Own Stuff.


Which is coming up right now so once you've built up a little bit of a Pinterest following to take advantage of this strategy you're going to want to pin your own stuff to get traffic to your stuff backlinks and sales from Pinterest.

We're actually going to be able to make money of this strategy and there's a couple ways that you can do this.



Of course is to pin stuff from a personal website that you own that's niche related.



Is to do say like a youtube channel or another social media medium where you can make some money of traffic being sent to it.

So for example, I have all these blog posts where I have an image to them

so I go to that post on my blog simply copy the url link highlight the top row address go to copy and then when I'm on Pinterest it's really this easy all I need to do is.

- Click on the plus button and add a new pin from a website.

- So now it gives me the option here add a pin from website and it gives me the url bar below here this is where I want to paste in the url that I choose

- Once I have that in there.It's going to give me the option to click Next it'll take

a second to load and then it'll give me an option of the picture that I want to use from that page

I click on the pin it button.


- And again I have my make money online niche related board and I have my description because I'm the first one pinning this one I'm going to need to add

a description.

- For this description will say take a look at my success with the Amazon

affiliate program and then I just want to click on the pin it button perfect.

now that that's complete now if I go back to my profile here and I check my pins

I will have a pin that's directed to my websites.

So instead of putting other people's stuff now that I have a bit of following

I want to pin my own content to get a back link to my website as well as traffic and sales once the visitors get there.

So if I take a look at this pin you'll see I have this pin and if I was spending a

bit more time here I might choose a little bit better of an image to make it more attractive and I also would maybe do a little bit of a better description as well if

I was going to send more time.


The point Where you have a good amount of followers on pinterest?

you're actually going to be getting a backlink from a social profile that's fairly popular on the internet it's going to very well for you in Google's eyes for SEO benefits but there's more to that.

Because basically when you pin something it's going to be displayed for all the people that are following you so all these 234 people now are going to see this pin that I've pinned about the Amazon affiliate program.

Now of course if any of them decide to pin it themselves not only will you get

a backlink from your account you'll also get a pin it backlink from their social profile as well.

So if I have 2000 followers on Pinterest and let's say a 100 of them repin in my pin I'm going to get a backlink from each of those sources.

Once I have this following it's going to give me a nice little boost every time

I have some new content to pin onto my account.

I'm going to get a nice little SEO post from Pinterest as well as some good amounts of traffic and then sales from people that eventually go to my website so this is actually a really cool strategy.

And now you can finally see the full power of it now it doesn't just have to be websites you can also do YouTube channels or other areas where you have content where you make money as well.

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