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5 Best YouTube Channel Ideas for Making Money

A lot of people want to start their own youtube channel or have one and they're not sure which direction to go in, so I'm going to talk about five of the best Youtube channel ideas for making money long-term.

and talk about some ideas for going about creating a youtube channel a few different approaches that you can take to make it successful and actually build

a long-term brand.

You know having success for a year or two and then falling off the grid like a

lot of youtubers do so hopefully you'll be able to build a successful YouTube channel kind of going of some of these ideas.

First: Before I get into the five ideas for youtube channels you need to keep


a few things in mind if you want to make this work. you need to have an endless supply of video topics so if you're just having to come up with the stuff of the top of your head all the time eventually you're going to run out of topics especially if you're trying to make a full-time income.

Which means you're probably going to have to publish five videos or so per week or at least one every other day to make a full time income from youtube you're going to run out of topics very quickly you have to be able to come up with ideas you have to be able to come up with new topics and that will eliminate a few different types of youtube channel.

So, for instance, a comedy channel can run out of guess within a year or two even if it has millions and millions of views for a while a lot of times they don't last because you can only come up with so many jokes it's hard to always come up with something that's funny to people and people's senses of humor tend to change over time.

Second: You need to either entertain or inform people if you're not doing one of


those things then it's not going to go any way you're going to basically be boring people or people are just not going to care.

You need to either inform them help them, get smarter help them, do something better help them.

Learn about what's going on in the world.

You need to entertain them.

You need to make them laugh

You need to share with them things they didn't already know.

You know to show them something that really creates some kind of strong emotion positive emotion of course.

And then you need to be advertiser and user-friendly a lot of youTubers are finding out with the big YouTube crisis and everything that's going on that if you are not advertiser-friendly advertisers will pull out or you just won't make any money because they don't want their brand that they've worked so hard to build over decades to be next to something that doesn't make them look good or they don't want to advertise on a channel that isn't going to convert into customers.

So keep that in mind be advertiser-friendly don't do anything super divisive don't talk about things that are very controversial and things like that be user-friendly always be thinking about how you can help or entertain your audience and what they actually want and YouTube analytics will actually help you a lot with that so there's two different directions you can go in.

Option: you can go for high traffic volume in low CPM which CPM is basically


how much money you're making per 1000 views which is basically how your ads determine how much you're making money so the average channel will probably get one or two dollars per 1000 views if you're really good at targeting things that advertisers are interested in advertising on then you could get a really high CPM that would be more like 5$ or even 6$ per 1000 views.

So if you look at something like entertainment channels it doesn't really go after keywords it gets such high traffic volume that doesn't matter it still makes millions of dollars.

Option: if you're worried about how much traffic you could actually get because


it's such a small amount of channels that actually get that much traffic you might want to go more for lower medium traffic and go for high CPM.

So I'll tell you how to do that in a minute. but number one as far as YouTube channel ideas that you can do.

First: A reviews and comparisons channel.


Now you could do just general reviews you could do tech reviews you could do business software reviews you could go very narrow or very large I recommend starting out kind of narrow in a smaller niche and then growing your channel as you get more subscribers and stuff you can kind of grow it and expand outward.

One example, of a channel like this, is the fun toys collector Disney toys review channel and most of the time you don't even see the person that is talking all they do is they do a really close up review of these little toys and somehow gets millions of views per video.

So if you look at the videos on the side you can see that she makes what is estimated to be about 188$ per month in revenue which that's not always going to be accurate but it's just an estimate based on if they're making say a 1$ or 2$ per 1000 views for CPM then

That's about how much they're making because they're good they got 125.7 million views in the last 30 days and they've gotten one 102.9k new subscribers so that's just an example of an extremely successful YouTube channel that does nothing but toy reviews these are just little kid toys basically so you can see the amount of views hundreds of thousands of views within a week of pretty much any video on here.

So if you want to do say reviews and things like that you might use say the keyword planner for Google this allows you to search for specific things that figure out the suggested bit.

So what I'm talking about CPM and the number of views you can get you can see how high the potential is for the views by looking at average monthly searches and then you can look at the suggested bid for the potential CPM so 46 cents is terrible.

But if you want to get high CPM you want to make a lot of money per 1000 views without having to get so many millions of views just to make good money you want to have this bid right here to be really high at least 5$ or more.

Keep that in mind use the Google Adwords Keyword planner it's completely free to use and search for the different products you want to review search for the different videos you want to do as far as the topic.

You want to keep your competition low to medium preferably because you don't want to have to compete with the top channels when you're starting out but you want to have good monthly searches and you want to have a high suggested bid.or

You want to have really high monthly searches and then you don't even need to worry about the suggested bid so it's all about balancing your CPM your potential views.

Second You can do tutorials channels.


so if you want to do a tutorials channel one example would be like a makeup tutorials channel so you can also show people how to build software I've seen programming tutorial channels I've seen like survivalist tutorial channels I've seen all kinds of different channels.

But tutorials you're basically showing somebody how to do something and these are very popular on YouTube the great thing about it is you can always come up with things to do tutorials on it's not going to be as easy to say a reviews channel to come constantly come up with new content which is a big deal when it comes to YouTube is constantly coming up with new content.

So if you're doing like a reviews channel there's always going to be new toys coming out because these toy companies have to come out with new stuff all the time time to make more money these things are fads basically and they're popular for a year and then they're not popular anymore and they have to come up with new toys so that's an example of how review channels are so great because you can constantly just review new stuff all the time as it comes out whereas tutorial channels are really going to be tougher to find subjects but tutorials are very high performing on youtube if you do a good job.

So Nikki tutorials is an example of a well done like makeup tutorials channel if you want to look up kind of what people are wanting as far as tutorials you might use google trends you can go to

But then you would go to the side menu on the left side and click on trending on Youtube and then you'll come up to a page here where you can see obviously you want to go based on your country and then you can go by date so you can see the top videos in terms of most popular and fastest-growing on google trends for the last few days last few months it goes very far back so you want to go based on like the last month or so in that last two months.

You can see what is the most popular and a lot of times you can find some popular tutorial videos and even some popular review channels as well so what where people want to know people want to know how to do something you could even use say WikiHow and just go down the list of different tutorials on WikiHow and turn them into videos and you can create a really strong channel doing stuff like that.

But you can use google trends based on the day and see what is the most popular what people want to know about and this can actually be used of course for any channel type so tutorials channels do very well as long as you can come up with new content all the time.

Third: News channels.


So the great thing about news channels is you never have to run out of content so there's always going to be thousands of news stories going on per day course you have to sort through what's going to be popular on YouTube and what's not somebody that does a good job of this is.

Philip Defranco you can check out his YouTube channel he has over 5 million subscribers millions of views per month got 22.6 million in the last 30 days he's got 1.8 billion total views he's been doing this a long time and really he hasn't for from what I can tell changed his format that much it's worked for a long time and he's somebody who's very consistent he does a lot of videos he does one about five days per week and you know you can see that he makes probably around 34,000$ per month in revenue.

He talks about YouTube news he talks about other controversial news fake news all kinds of stuff that is going on and he uses the news as his main way of entertaining you and giving his take on the latest news.

So if you want to find the latest news that people are really going to want to know about and use it on your YouTube channel I would recommend you look at homepage so Yahoo is a search engine but it's not quite as strong as say Google and being in my opinion so but the good thing about Yahoo is it can give you a lot of great ideas for the latest news because it has all the latest and most popular news on its homepage so you can find a stuff about entertainment.

Politics business tech worldwide news more national or local news all kinds of stuff is on here so whatever your type of news that you're covering or even if it's just general news you can find some of the most popular stories on Yahoo and use them as your subjects on youtube.

So you can look at somebody like Philip Defranco and get an idea of

how you could do that with just a simple format of you talking into a camera and being entertaining and talking about what's going on you can also check out channels like Business Insider and the Daily Show and some of these others that also talk about news but you'll never run out of content if you do a news channel.

Fourth: Gaming Channel.


So gaming channels you're kind of like how a review channel always has new toys coming out with a gaming channel there's always going to be new video games coming out.

So what you can do is record yourself playing these games and use the gameplay as your YouTube videos

so an example, this would be what the Radbrad does the Radbrad is a youtube channel with millions over 7 million subscribers estimated to make about 64,000 + per month in revenue over 2.7 billion total views and 1.4 million average daily views.

All he does is play video games talk about what he's doing he'll do like different parts of games and record himself doing walkthroughs or record himself doing specific missions or something he'll play a lot of different types of games he doesn't stick to just one or two games and so that's kind of the secret to what he does.

He has you know game play of a lot of different popular games so you what you can do is see which games are coming out by going to and you can see what the latest games are what which ones are going to be coming out soon you could use game fly to have a subscription to where you can basically play in limited game so you don't have to buy each one to do tutorials on.

But with one video like the radbrad does if he makes one dollar per thousand views even and he gets on average let's say two or three hundred thousand views each he's more than paying for each one of those video games because they don't cost me that much so it makes him money for months and even years in the future for each video and all he had to do was get the video game whether he used something like game fly where it's a subscription or he just bought the game and then of course you can sell the game once your videos are popular for that one anymore

So there's a lot of different ways that you could structure it but video game channels tend to do extremely well and you're never going to run out of content because video games are such a huge industry.

Fifeth: Guest speaker / Interview channel.


So basically what you're doing here is you're accumulating videos of other people speaking or you and someone else speaking so you're not having to worry about boring people with just your take all the time you're focusing on what other people are saying what other people's advice is let's say you reference the.

TED Talks channel the TED Talks channel has

entrepreneurs - scientists - nutritionists - psychologist - doctors

all kinds of people come on here they speak for about 15 minutes and they

talk about some incredible ideas that are worth spreading which is basically

their motto so you can see they have a little under seven million subscribers

they have over thirty two thousand dollars in monthly revenue for just this channel they actually have other channels as well as you can see here they

have a lot of different channels now but they get about 725 or so average

daily views and they put out a lot of content because they don't have one

person doing all the speaking they have a lot of people doing speaking

so not only are they helping these people grow their brands or grow their awareness for what it is they want to talk about but they can make a lot of money from YouTube because they are not having to do all of the content

by themselves they have a lot of different speakers. and

If you look at all the major websites as well you'll notice that they have a lot of guest bloggers and things like that so you're it's basically the same concept except you're applying it to youtube.

So I haven't seen a whole lot of channels really doing this except to say the TED Talks channels there's a handful that does interviews and things like that you know.

Kim Faris does a great podcast where he interviews some of the most successful people in different industries but he hasn't translated that to youtube yet, and as far as coming up with new content ideas all the time well into the future there's always going to be new people rising up and becoming successful new people that will always have new opinions and you'll never run out of people that you could possibly interview or get to be a guest speaker

So if you want to connect with people like that one of the best places I've found to connect with people to do these collaborations is so you can go to LinkedIn and you can find people whether they're business people - entertainers - politicians whatever it is and you can contact them here connect with them email them whatever you want to do but if you can just contact say 25 people a day you'll get a handful of them respond to you and you'll always have people that could potentially do videos for you.

And because you're not doing them all yourself you could have multiple videos going out each day resulting in a lot more revenue so those are five ideas as far as YouTube channels that you could do. I hope you enjoyed the article and I hope you have a great day.

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