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Everything you need to know About Pinterest for Business

I'm going to talk about Pinterest everything about Pinterest that you need to know to help you get more traffic to your online business if you don't have a Pinterest account yet, and you have an online business you need to go to pinterest account.

Pinterest has been my top source of traffic's and starting my shop

so I'm just going to tell you

How I use it? and the best ways to use it? to get more traffic along.


That you'll want to do if you're just getting started on pinterest is create a business account .

When I first got pinterest this wasn't an option but the benefit of having a business account is you get analytics build into your account.

so you can see which pins got the most repins you can just kind of like see

what's working and what's not.

When you're setting up your Pinterest boards you want to sell the lifestyle that's associated with your products.

A common mistake that people make is they have pinterest boards for all different things and then they create a board that is just nothing but products from my shop they're like.

Let's answer those questions:

- I don't have very many followers?

- Why am I not getting followers on this board?

Well people aren't really interested in that type of a Pinterest board.

Pinterest the idea behind it is, it's a mood board so if you've seen like a mood board or an inspiration board it's an online version of that and that was how started.

So you want to create Pinterest boards that sell a lifestyle so say if you sell outdoor products maybe like camping stuff or backpacks like for hiking and

that kind of thing you would want to create boards that are all about like that outdoorsy lifestyle and then kind of mix pins from your shop into that board.

So that it feels very natural and organic it's not just like this board is all about stuff from my shop because people don't like to be advertised to.

So just try to create boards that are about something bigger you know and then mix your products in where they would fit that's kind of like the overall idea behind like.

How to most effectively use Pinterest?

but there are also more specific things that people have actually done.

- Research on you know what gets clicks on pinterest? and

- What is popular on pinterest?

And so I thought I would share those with you today

First: Vertical images do better on pinterest


Just with the way that pinterest is laid out it's you it's like a scrolling page and images that are really tall are just seeing more because of just the way that it played out if you've used pictures before you know what I mean.

But you want to use tall images vertical images as opposed to horizontal horizontal images just look really small on the page when you're scrolling

but vertical images get a lot more they take up a lot more the screen.

You'll want to use images that are vertical and at least 600 pixels wide the maximum width that you can use for an image is 736 pixels I believe.

So take advantage of that and do the full width that is allowed and then just as tall as you want this is the one that i thought was kind of interesting.


Second: Images without Faces in them do the Best.


If you just think about what your natural tendency is to pin it's usually you know a hairstyle but the girl's face is not on camera and i think people just more likely to pin that because you can picture that thing whatever that is on yourself if there's no face in the picture images without faces receive 23% more repense so interesting.


Third: Images that use More Warm tone Colors.


Another kind of interesting statistic is that images that use more warm tone colors get pinned more often so colors like reds and pinks and yellows those type of colors are for whatever reason pins 2 times more often than cool colors blues greens so that's interesting that might just be something to think about when you're styling your pictures.


Forth: The best Times to pin.


now this is something that this isn't like an exact science but if you just think generally about when people are using Pinterest it's typically in like the late afternoon so like 2 to 4 p.m.

When they're bored at work and then also like late at night before they go to bed a lot of people are strolling through Pinterest if you're saying to yourself well you know.


Fiftieth: How am I supposed to drag traffic.


Using that my advice start a blog if you have a blog you can make the images however you want them to be you can make them vertical or whatever and use that blog solely for Pinterest traffic.

So you can create images that are ideal for Pinterest using the tips that I just gave you and drive traffic that way.

If you want to get like the ideal looking images that would be a great way to do it is through a blog once you have your Pinterest account set up if you want to.

just see what is being pinned from your website you can do this by going to URL, and that will show you all of the pins that have come from your website.

And you can do that with any website your blog whatever if you just want to see like that it's being pinned from your website that's.

How you do it doesn't that mean?

I think my top advice would be to have fun with it it's a really fun website and

I think that like for creative people it's really helpful I get on it all the time and there's everything on there that you could imagine like for your life I hope this article was helpful for you.

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