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Magic Formula to Get More Views on YouTube

How to get views on your YouTube content?

can be an overwhelming process and frustrating at times but after studying different techniques and strategies and processes I do have a magic formula.

This magic formula has 6 easy steps.

If you want to figure out how to get more eyeballs on your YouTube content stay tuned because I've got all the details coming up plus at the end of article,

I put together a very special checklist that I wish I had when I was starting out on Youtube with the exact process that I use to gain views and gain traction with all of my youtube videos.


Step Research.


Don't even turn on the camera yet because you have to figure out what your audience wants to know so sixty percent of views on YouTube are searched driven.

So you have to find out what your audience is searching for and make content around those topics there are three methods of research that I recommend.

  • Social media

  • Google keyword search

  • Youtube search bar

Here's an example how-to videos tend to do really well on youtube because people are searching for how to do certain things,

If you look up how to make these top 10 options are the top 10 search for items on youtube,

when you have the search terms how to make so let's do how to make a cake first thing you want to check is the competition so there are over five million results which means the competition is pretty high but we'll.

Use this as an example,

And the next thing you want to check is how many views the top videos have

and you can ignore those two ads at the top because if the views are high that gives you a clue that it's a popular search topic or a great video idea.


Step : Google Adwords Keyword finder.


Going to google Adwords keyword finder you want to see how many people are searching for that term.

So how to make a cake good ideas and you want to go to keyword ideas and you'll see that the average monthly searches are 60,000 plus and the competition for that search term is really low.

This is an ideal situation you want to have high search volume and low competition.

And you also want to pay attention to the rest of the keywords and phrases in this list down because,

- They'll help optimize your video.

For the right audience and again these have high search volume and low competition which is ideal.

- Another thing you want to pay attention to is social media.

So I'm often asked how to make videos with limited equipment and how to make videos with your phone and in just four months it's received over 50,000 views because not only was i getting asked this question a lot so i knew my audience was looking for the answer but i also researched the keyword terms using the keyword planner and also using youtube search.


Step: Your Title and Description.


So now you know what keywords and keyword phrases perform well and that people are searching for so you need to make sure that you include them in your title as well as in your description.

When you're writing the title and the description of your video you want to ensure that you're using

The keywords that you find in the Adwords keyword planner so when I looked up Twitter tutorial before making my video I saw that

- A decently high search volume per month and Low competition which is a great formula as I mentioned earlier.

- also made sure to include these phrases that are supplementary and related to that search that had high search volume and low competition in the description.

How does Twitter work is within the first couple of lines of my description?

because I know that Google picks up on those extra keyword phrases to help rank your videos.


Step: Transcribe Your Videos.


This is a step that's often overlooked and if you just do this one step it'll help you stand out from the rest of the videos in your niche.

So Google needs as much information as it can get about your video in order to rank it and that's why transcribing your video is so important in order.

To transcribe your video you go to video manager edit and subtitles and closed captions and you can transcribe the video yourself here pick your language and it's super easy to do.

Step: Your Thumbnail.


So there are thousands even millions of search results that could come up for your keywords or phrases so you need to make sure that your video stands out and the first thing that your viewers are going to see is your thumbnail.

So they need to see it and it needs to stand out in order for them to actually click on it and view your video.

Step: Cross Promotion.


So once you have a bank of videos ready to go make sure that your cross promoting them using YouTube cards and the featured video option on YouTube here's how to do it to add YouTube cards.

To find it in YouTube you just go into your info and settings and click on

cards on the top right

You can add any kind of card throughout the video and to add a featured video across all of your content go to creator studio go to channel featured content and you can choose one of your videos to pop up on the bottom of all of your videos across your channel so it's kind of like a free advertisement for your content so those are.

6 steps to getting more views on YouTube but there's also

Three elements you need to consider when you're making your YouTube


Stay Consistent is such a big part of any social media platform but specifically on YouTube it's huge your audience needs to know when they can come back and find new content and then they get in that routine and that automatically increases your views through Boyle T

Authority is also hugely important so try and stick with one niche or one content theme on your channel because that's going to attract a very targeted loyal audience and it's also going to tell YouTube that you're an expert in that space so that helps you rank your videos and gain more views.

And finally sharing is caring so make sure that you're sharing your videos beyond just YouTube so on all of your social platforms and be sure to give your audience a call to action at the end of your videos asking them to subscribe like and comment those are called signals and those signals tell YouTube that you have quality content that people are liking and again that plays a really big role in ranking your videos on YouTube and on Google.

At the end of the you need good quality content in order to see success on YouTube but I know you guys are making great content you just need the views so if you really want to get serious about this and you want to increase your views and grow your YouTube channel.

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