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3 Greatest Ways to Monetize Youtube Videos

Are you curious about how to make real money on YouTube?

in this article I break down three different ways to earn more than a 1000$ in detail.

Now we're going to talk about YouTube ads, will talk about affiliate marketing,

will talk about brand deals, and share some tips on each of these.

First: YouTube ads.


How much money you can make with YouTube ads?

the average is for every 1,000 views you get if ads are turned on you're going to get 2$ that's called a cpm, now that can go up that can go down.

- Depending on the channel.

- Depending on the niche.

- Depending on a lot of factors.

So let's say you are a goal here right as an example, is to earn a 1000$ and

so you would need half a million (500,000) views to get a 1000$ based at

that CPM.

So as you look at this you might be thinking shoot I guess that's a ways off,

I mean even for established youtubers, YouTube ads it is a tough way to

generate like real substantial income especially to try to support your family

or anything like that.

So this video for example is approaching 500,000 views.

as you can see using this little tool here the estimated earnings are only 707$ that's cool but it's tough to get that many views.

this video would make more like 2300$ or so but even still youtube ads are my least favorite way to earn money on youtube I kind of try to even ignore them because they're it's like pennies right for your efforts it's not the best way.

but there's good news there is better ways to build your income on YouTube.

Second: Affiliate Marketing.


Actually my favorite way called affiliate marketing this is

How I built a full-time audience or full-time income off not even having a very large audience under 30,000 subscribers?

which is still you know large, but sometimes we are under the misconception

like, we need a hundred thousand or a million, we need like a bazillion subscribers.

There are ways to do it affiliate marketing, How we do it?

I'll show you how it works I like and amazon associates you can go there you just sign up for an affiliate program and then what you end up getting.

You can create custom links that you put in your Youtube description that link to the products you're talking about in that video

if you did a video on a yoga channel yoga except that's yoga accessories you could link to all those accessories in the YouTube description and then if a visitor clicks on that link and makes a purchase you make money.

Affiliate marketing here's an example from like a month ago right during the holiday season this past year and this past year these LED projector lights came out maybe notice these the kind of weird kind of a love-hate thing a lot of people hate them.

but whatever so and then what they were you just put them in your yard and it just shines these little dots of light on your house that's not the point.

I do a simple product review video just sitting on my desk talking about these LED projector lights and then I share the links to the products that I talked about in the YouTube description.

here's a screenshot of the affiliate income just in like a month.

it's kind of weird how it works but all of these they're kind of the same thing but maybe they're different nuances and so you can see here

8.5% commission and it was you know this many sales and so this line right here made 1,122$ this 319,44$ 963$,357$ just one video rushing.

It right now these are the lights that I talked about and these ones though

I didn't even mention these now maybe these are the ones you saw in the

grocery store that's kind of what inspired me to even do.

I didn't talk about these but What's cool with Affiliate Marketing is?

if someone clicks through your link whatever they purchase you get credit for

so there's another 100 bucks 43 - 35 all this income right.

and so just one video.

- Makes 8.5% commission well.

- Over a 1000 units sold well.

- Over 3000$ in revenue.

- And the keeping that more revenue from related sales especially

because this is during the holidays.

Someone's not only buying lights they're also buying an xbox for you know their family and a watch for their boyfriend and all this stuff you get credit for all of that.

so obviously you can see by this example how this can stack and really generate some crazy result.

Third: Creating videos for Companies and Brands.


The third way the third way is creating videos for companies and brands in exchange for free product and/or money called brand deals.

I just picked up for confidentiality we'll just say you know I was just picked up by a brand to be their Spokesperson and brand Ambassador they're going to feature me on their social media platforms.

for the newest trends I'll also be at their booth at VidCon for a meet and greet and of course I'm also getting paid for all this.

they'll even double my affiliate commissions so powerful right that's what a brand deal could do and they're going to double its stacking now her affiliate commissions.

Another example, Heather so she has a home school and motherhood channel and in just 8 months she's grown by over 2500 subscribers 85,000 channel views.

So having good traction but still in the very very beginning stages she's only posted 15 videos.

you know how we talked about like it's just going to take too much time and she's the wife she's a mother she's a home school mom she's doing home school every day you know we're working together.

This is a very very very side project for her that she just devotes a few hours

a week and not even every week and she's been making monthly income from YouTube ads and affiliate income as we talked about but recently she just landed an 11000$ of free product from a brand deal now its curriculum so it's tough that their family would have bought anyways that was money.

What is your biggest challenge right now with building your audience and your income on youtube. I would love to help out in future.

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