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10 High Paying Affiliate Programs

We're going to talk about high paying affiliate programs that pay out up to eight hundred dollars we're talking cash maybe 800$ eight hundred dollars per sale in affiliate Commission.

you're trying to build a passive income online affiliate marketing business from the comfort of your living room sofa.

We're going through the 10 affiliate niche markets that you can tap into and earn serious money per sale so the first one is...

Debt settlement people that need any kind of debt repair anything like that

the romans you do is go into Google right now just type in something like debt settlement affiliate program

so you can go through the list here there are many of them for example,

I've not personally used this one but this one pays three hundred dollars per sailors many others out there alright so just to give me some ideas what you can do head on over to the Google Adwords Keyword tool and type in debt settlement or a keyword like how to get out of debt?

You're going to see a big list of keywords here and you're going to build videos or create videos about debt settlement targeting these specific keywords,

Now you can see there's a lot of search volume and if you've just factoring

the conversion rates and all that by the time the land on your site we're talking hundreds if not thousands of dollars a day if you do this properly alright so.

So what these companies will do actually pay you a percentage of all the money that someone puts towards gold in their IRA account,

so we're talking like it's like two or three percent this can add up so if you fine

if you get a few rich people out there that are really gold obsessed and they buy five hundred thousand dollars of them gold,

you can get two percent of that sale so we're talking tens of thousands of dollars in potential per sale with gold IRA so one company might want to check out the research about this yesterday is regal assets they have an affiliate program through think it's called click again you can check that out.

Here you can make up to 800 dollars per sale through various binary products now I'm personally not a fan of this niche but I know a lot of people in it and they're making a lot of money so this is something that you like binary options might be something for you.

So these can run up to between anywhere between a thousand to seven thousand dollars and various companies will pay you up to seven or eight percent in affiliate commissions for each one of these sales that you make

So a seven thousand dollar chair at seven percent off the top my head and we note that is a month I'm going to do rough on pie rhombus like three hundred and fifty dollars. another random niche is

So these are people rich people i want to charter

a private jet you make about three hundred dollars per sale with this type

of affiliate program alright.

Next one on list believe this is number 66 don't count don't count me on that

our cruise.

So there are many programs out there depending on which you can go with we're talking 102 up to three or even five hundred dollars per sale if you sell some of these big travel packages alright next one

on the list number seven six seven eight nine ten on even though.

7- Home Security System

So i did some quick browsing on this stuff out various programs some of them paying up to three hundred dollars per install of a home security system.

So lawyers that are looking for personal injury clients so you could leave target keywords something like I got injured on the job I got hurt while working on the job something like that make youtube videos about personal integer injury and forward them to these various law firms,

that specialize in this type of thing so they actually pay per lead seeing with three hundred dollars per leaves all the person that does it do is enter their email address their contact information and fill out the form that they provide and you make three hundred dollars

so they don't even have to sign up they don't have to pay any money all you need to do is them to fill out the lead form you can make three hundred dollars doing that all right.

Next one this is what a niche I was planning to get into I got sidetracked as

I've thought about this about a year ago and this is

9- Elderly Chair

lifts you know those little chair lifts as they install on steps of elderly people can get up the steps those runs about eight to twenty thousand dollars and you get a five I think it believe it's five percent commission through the various programs on CJ calm

So that really adds up let's just say cost ten thousand dollars that means you get five hundred bucks per chair lift that you're able to sell and there is a ton of search traffic out there for the various chairlift keywords.

and last but not least this is a very very big market and that is

Things like there's little Bobcats you can go you can sell these on Amazon and of course you get on Amazon it's a five point five percent commission for any industrial product that you sell alright.

so we're talking big money here you don't need to sell tens of thousands

of items you can literally make a full time income doing this just selling 5 to 10

of these sales per month now it's actually just about as easy to sell these types of products as it is any other thing out there just because the item is more expensive doesn't mean that it's going to be harder to sell you just have to target the right keywords and send them through the right process.

to convert the highest rate possible so that you can potentially make this

a full-time online business for you.

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