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10 Best Ways to Monetize A Blog

You're looking for ways to monetize that blog actually make some money from it so you can make a living online and not have to work a job to rest your life.

and it's not the easiest thing in the world to do for most people because they don't know exactly what they're doing and they get overwhelmed by how many options who are?

So I'm going to talk about:

10 main options that you have for monetizing your blog and break them down a little bit for you and kind of show you how they work alright.

First: Affiliate marketing.


What comes to affiliate marketing basically?

you can just go to a site like all you do is you sign up and neither you can become a marketer or vendor,

Now you probably want to be a vendor yet if you're just kind of starting out in marketing.

And you don't have a lot of experience in creating your own products so

I recommend is you become a marketer this way you can get paid commissions on other people's products through sites like clickbank.

Now there's other site too like jvzoo is another one there's others

But a clickbank is probably the biggest one and you'll probably have the most options here.

So if you need something that has the sales page done for you as the product done for you and you just want to send a affiliate link from your blog to sell stuff, that way that's going to be about the easiest way to do that.


Second: Adsense.


Adsense are basically ads like these as you can see here.

This is an Adsense ad you can kind of tell by these little these little things right here it shows you the ad as the X on it and other little symbol there but these are from google.

And Google's ads program is one of the base in the world.

How they make all their money is through Adsense?

Okay so you can come up with these ads that kind of look like this mostly

text ads.

Is what you want to go for? because people don't really go for image ads as much as they used to they want it you know people are kind of immune to ads these days but the thing about Adsense is it puts ads on there that are related to what other people have been looking at before they visit your site.

So it's always something that you know if they visited a page before they came to your site your blog then, they'll probably see an ad on Adsense ad space on your site about the site they were at before.

So it makes it more likely to buy stuff but you get paid every time they click on it so it's really the easiest way to make money if you get approved.

So when you're going to get approved for something like that you want to make sure that you just go through Adsense and it's free to sign up then you can also make money from your YouTube videos but when you sign up for your blog make sure that when you have to put the ad code on your blog to get approved put it actually like in the text.

So I could like say you put the HTML in here instead of over here in your widget bar and it kept messing up and wouldn't get approved and then when I put right here you know in the middle of blog post that's when it got impressions and got approved.

So that's just a kind of side note for you if you decide to deal with Adsense.


Third: Sell Your Own Products.


When you sell your own products you make more money but it's a lot more work because you have to come up with something that you can sell.

Obviously and usually when you're on the internet or you have a blog you sell information or a mastermind group or affiliate stuff you but.

When you sell your own product you can have kind of like I'm at like I said a mastermind group where people join and pay monthly to be a part of this group and kind of talk about the industry with each other share tips and ideas and strategies.

You can make ebooks and sell them on amazon kindle or just sell them on your site you can make courses there's a website called where you can do that if you don't want to host it on your own site.

But you need to know a lot about a certain subject before you do this and you need to look into How to create an actual product? because if you start getting into like software and actual hand like products you can actually hold in your hand and have to ship and stuff that gets really complicated.

So if you're going to sell your own products make sure you know a whole lot about a certain subject that most people don't and you evaluate what kind of competition there is in the marketplace and kind of get ideas from others that are doing something similar to.

What you're thinking about and make it just like a digital course or something like that like a video course or e-book or something like that that's a good place to start but that's probably going to make you some of the most money especially if you get to where you can sell high-ticket items.


Fourth: Amazon ads.


Because they're actually products and you actually get paid when products are sold within 24 hours of people clicking on the ad.

So if this was an Amazon ad and people clicked on that you don't get paid for the click but you get paid if somebody buys anything on Amazon.

it doesn't have to be that exact product if they buy anything on Amazon within 24 hours from your link from your blog you get paid a commission on that now.

The Commission is not going to be huge but you have related products to your blog and you do a good job of picking the right products to display then you'll get some nice Commission's building up then as you get more traffic you'll get more.


Fifth: Sell Consulting.


Consulting you definitely want to be kind of more of an expert in your field before you start doing this but consulting can make you very big sales.

And I know people that are in marketing that make you know they'll make like 700,000$ of one client over the course of you know maybe a couple months.

But they've been in the industry while they have a reputation and it's easier for them to get this kind of business

But consulting's in our thing you can do if you have certain services that are in demand.


Sixth: Sell Solo Ads.


So lads basically is a way of advertising for people through email list

You can go to a site like and you can search for people's email list and people will contact people with those email lists.

And come up with a price to actually email their list of leads and they send their own email with their own links so that they can obtain to whoever's buying.

the rights to place an ad with that list it's let's say you are on here and you wanna email to somebody else's giant list and marketing okay.

You find a marketing list and what's as you know 100,000 people on it and you pay so much per click or pay so much for just a one-time payment.

For the rights to email that list and then you have links in that email and go back to your sales page or your capture page to get weeds or sales from it that's the fastest way to get in front of a lot of people through email but it can be costly.

But if you're more of a vendor and you're selling a list or selling the rights to advertise to your list you can make quite a bit of money from that but you know you need to build up a very big email list before you think about it.


Seventh: Flip blogs or Flip websites.


Now this kind this can make you thousands adult I mean it's like flipping a house or flipping a car it's it can make you thousands of dollars.

But it depends on

- How good you are doing the work on it? or

- How good you are outsourcing work on these blogs?

- How fast can you get it to rank?

Are you gonna buy sites that are already established in an auction on are you going to start one from scratch and build it up over

the course of a year or two and then sell it.

- It just kind of depends on your expertise and

- How long you can afford to work on it before you flip it? and

- How much you can make off that now?

That's something for more experienced people but if you can do it you can make some very big sales from it.


Eighth: Guest Posting.


Is you know what a lot of people do to get backlinks and things like that now

I think Google is kind of cracked down on this a little more.

So it's not probably not quite as popular as it used to be but a lot of people do still do guest post and if you have a very popular blog you can have people pay you to put a guest post on there. or

You can get paid to put guest posts on other people's sites depending on How good you are writing? or How good your blog? is you can go either way with that or both ways.


Ninth: Network Marketing.


Is a lot like affiliate marketing except you also have the option of making money of other people's sales and not just yours.

Okay so network marketing is something you have to be careful with.

But at the same time it can have a lot of great benefits if you get in with the right company that's actually going to last and has good things to sell.

So it's like an affiliate company that also has referrals basically so you can advertise that on your blog.


Tenth: Ad Space.


It's kind of like with affiliate ads through amazon and it's like ad space through Google Adsense.

Ad space is great through those companies but you're not going to make a whole lot in which he hit a ton of traffic but you can make more of ad space if you sell to individual companies or people.

Just looking to advertise in your niche so if they want advertising your niche you can actually have like a tab at your blog menu that has a page where you talk about the prices of advertising on your site.

Depending on how big of a banner you get and it'll be like a little square banner your ad and then you pay money to get that spot it's usually a monthly payment as long as you want to be on sell it could be 500$ a month it could be 250$ a month for a really small one.

maybe and I kind of pit you have to kind of look at how much traffic they have and if it's really good traffic for what you're selling okay.

that's if you want to sell in other people's sites but you can also make a lot of money if you have good traffic and you have a lot of good niche subscribers coming in all the time people will want to advertise their business on your widget area of your blog okay.

that's another way you can make pretty good money from your blog alright so those are the 10 probably the 10 very best ways you can monetize your blog. and

It depends on watch what you want to do the easiest ones to do or probably.

- Adsense amazon affiliates.

- Maybe you can do consulting.

- If you already know certain skills.

- You can sell your own ebook.

- Sell your own video courses stuff.

- You can do affiliate marketing as well through clickbank and other sites.

And then if you want to make bigger sales bigger Commission's bigger money online you can get into more complicated stuff like selling your own products or things like even consulting selling solo ads flipping blogs is another thing that can be have.

a really big turn around even network marketing or selling ad space to a small individual companies things like that are more complicated but can make more money so it just kind of depends on what you want to do so this.

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