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Make Money By sell ebooks amazon kindle

That I've sold on the amazon kindle platform

That I've sold on the Amazon Kindle platform and I had it converted to a physical book so you can see that's actually pretty good quality has about all kinds of recipes on,

this is paleo breakfast recipes all right so even though this book was just kind of like a side project test run for me it pulled in some pretty regular 100$ paychecks every once in a while which is some good beer money so today.

I'm going to talk about how I put this? together.


Step: find a good niche.


Is that you have to find a good niche so anything from

(sport related, how to tutorial, health related) or stuff like:


Erotica novels

Mystery novels

Love stories

All those things are good in niche markets so just to give you

some example you have things too like:

Golf tips

Basketball tips

Home remedies stop

Snoring back pain relief

All types of topics like these are great for amazon kindle ebooks.


Step: Book title and an Outline for the book


Once you have your niche market selected, you're going to want to come up with a book title and an outline for the book so, what I did with this,

I crafted the title and that was essentially the hook for the book the title was the unique angle for the book so this book is called effortless Paleo and it teaches breakfast recipes alright suck on that with a little bit of research that breakfast is kind of one of the hard meals.

If you want to adhere to the Paleo diet so I created a cookbook specifically for that and then when I did was I basically created the table of contents for what I wanted the book to cover then what I did is I went over to and I had a ghostwriter create the actual content of the book for me so.

I actually ended up overpaying for this writer at the time I thought it was a good price I offered five 100$ for an about a hundred different recipes here she did a good job I mean she actually made the meals and all that but I could have easily got this done for 200 bucks maybe a little bit cheaper all right so.

If you're going to have this outsourced to sites like up work aim for about 100 to 200$ for a 35-page to 100 page ebook and those pages include the table of contents and images so you can tell here that the images really take up a lot of room and it's an image alone will increase the size of the book which does help when you're coming to sell it.

Trying to sell it all in all look to spend about 100 to 200 $ to have a good ebook created and you could probably do this for even cheaper if you find a good reliable writer alright so.After the book is created and you have the word document head on over to fiber and type into the search box kindle e-book formatting alright so.

The amazon kindle has a special format that you have to adhere to if you want to sell it on the network so these fiber gigs will actually convert it to that format for you.

If you don't know how to do it then once you get that file what you then want to do is head back on over to fiber and get a good quality ebook cover created for you so in the search box on fiber type in Kindle ebook cover so this will cost you anywhere from for crappy 15$ to a higher quality one for about 50 bucks so aim for somewhere between there spend about 200$ on it maybe even less.

If you find a good gig alright and then once you have your raw cover you're going to head back on over to fiber and search for create space ebook cover from there you're going to send them that amazon kindle ebook cover and what they'll do is they'll convert that file to be the correct dimensions for the type of book later trying to sell and will create the back cover that you see.

Right now if you sell your book through the create space platform they'll actually give you the opportunity to sell your physical book in actual bookstores alright that's a pretty cool thing with creating space you do get paid separately so.

Amazon will pay you for your ebook sales and create space will send you the money for your physical book sale so when it's complete if you head on over to Amazon you can see my listing here for this book you can sell it in both Kindle and physical book format.

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