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What Is cpm calculator and What Reasons Leads to it Low or High

In this article we will answer some question about cpm like,

- What is cpm?

- What is CPM how does it work?

- How cpm calculator?

- What Reasons Leads to it Low or High?

CPM is cost per Mille mi ll e which i think is greek or latin one of the two that doesn't really matter for 1000 so cost per thousand is what really it stands for CPM is.

How much money you make per 1000 views on YouTube or website?

Now what if you don't get a 1000 views? what if you only get a hundred views?

then that's fine you'll get paid for a hundred views right but it'll be based on a 1000 view.

CPM so that means it scales down right we don't do cost per 100 views cost per 1000 so that means you can take whatever CPM you have divided that by a tenth or whatever it is and you'll be able to see how much it is per 100 so that's

How that works and you'll get paid whether you get a 1000 views or one view whatever you'll get paid for those monetized views which is also

Something else about CPM it only applies to monetize diffuse un monitored views views that don't have ads on them do not get a CPM because there's no ads running on them they have to have adjoining on them to get a CPM additionally CPM is very widely right some months.

In January being the worst month for CP games usually you might have a you know 7$ to 5$ CPM the best months for CPMs are December Christmas season when all the companies are advertising that Bunty might have a 15$ or even 20$ CPM.


It's CPMs are going to vary widely depending on.

First: The time of year.


What it is you know the beginning of February is always really good because

everybody's paying for Superbowl ads and when they pay for Superbowl ads

they also pay other ads on YouTube OR Adsense.

For example so you know different times different times of year make differing CPMs but usually CPMs don't drop below 3$ per 1,000 views because all CPMs are based on 1000 views.

So keep that in mind when I say you know in December CPM is made go upwards of 20$ for some channels not all channels but some channels that is per 1000 views 20$ per 1000 views.

Now like I said if you don't get a 1000 views and you get 20 views or a 100 views you'll still get paid but it'll be based off a CPM that is calculated on 1000 views additionally.


Second: CPM is very per Location.


In the US for people who are watching videos in the u.s. if you have a lot of us viewers and UK viewers that are english-speaking they're going to have a lot higher CPM s than.

For example, if you are in China and have a bunch of you know Chinese speaking viewers because those are going to be Chinese ads and they are less advertisers pay less for Chinese ads than they do u.s. American and United Kingdom ads.

so you know those are two different things as well tons of factors rely on CPM but location of where your views are coming from is a big one if you're you know having mostly us viewers are going to have a higher CPM than you having.


You know like I said Chinese or Asian accrued so let's do a quick recap okay.

cpm stands for cost per Mille or in simpler terms cost per 1000 CPM it doesn't matter if you get you know 200 views 100 views or two million views right your CPM is calculated the same and even if you do get a 100 views and not a 1000 you will still be paid for those 100 monetized views additionally like.

I just said CPM only applies to monetize diffuse because they're talking about ads here monetized views are views with ads on them non monetized views don't have a CPM because they don't have any advertisements on them cpm rates fluctuate wildly right they can in you know the months of JD where you might be getting a 3$ CPM well.

In December you can get a chopper to you know 20$ tO 30$ CPM depending on your channel they also vary because of location right the differ locations your viewers are coming from not where you're located but where your views are coming from fluctuates your CPM.

If you have us or United Kingdom english-speaking viewers it's going to be a lot higher CPM than if your viewers are from a smaller Asiatic country or even somewhere like China where there's not a lot of YouTube views or visitor to you website coming in.

that's pretty much how that works additionally cpms are going to be affected by what kind of content you make gaming content has a higher cpm then say how to you know then say building content or something like that you know there's a lot of different stuff there in the kind of niche you make is going to affect your cpm how interested are advertisers and the market you're in and how much are they willing to pay for ads.


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